MARIST AGM 2018 – Sun 20 May @ SHC

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (for the year ended 31 December 2017) of Marist Water Polo Club Inc. will be held:

Sunday 20 May 2018, 12 Noon
Sacred Heart College “Old Boys Room”
250 West Tamaki Road, Glendowie

The AGENDA is set as:
01. Roll-call
02. Apologies
03. Obituaries
04. Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
05. Matters Arising
06. Adoption of the Annual Report including Presidents Report
07. Adoption of the audited Financial Statements and Balance Sheet
08. Election of Officers of the Club
09. Installation of the Executive Committee
10. General Business

With regard to points 9 & 10 on the agenda, please note the following process outlined in our Club constitution

“A candidate for Committee or for office in the Club must be proposed by one Club member and seconded by another. If the candidate is not present at the meeting, then the person proposing that candidate must produce satisfactory evidence to the Chairman of the General Meeting that such candidate is willing to accept the office.”

If any other member wishes to nominate themselves or, with their consent, another member, for election they may do so.

Nominations must be received by 5pm 19th May 2018. The nominations may include a short (no more than 200 word) description of the candidate and their reasons for seeking election. Nominations must be sent to the Club Secretary either by post (46 Dexter Avenue, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024) or scanned and emailed to

Committee Roles:
01. President
02. Vice President
03. Secretary
04. Treasurer
05. Club Captain
06. Committee member

Please also note that there are some rules around who can be elected on the committee – see section 9. Election of Officers in the Club’s constitution. i.e.

9.1 No member whose subscription is in arrears or who is not a financial member may be elected to the Committee or to any office in the Club.

9.2 A candidate for Committee or for office in the Club must be proposed by one Club member and seconded by another. If the candidate is not present at the meeting, then the person proposing that candidate must produce satisfactory evidence to the Chairman of the General Meeting that such candidate is willing to accept the office.

9.3 Where the number of candidates is greater than the number of offices to be filled, a secret ballot shall be held. Scrutineers for the conduct of the ballot shall be appointed by the Chairman.


Chris Jarvis

(Acting) Marist Auckland Water Polo Secretary