Latest COVID Update – August 2020

Kia ora Marist Whanau,

On Friday evening, the Prime Minister announced Cabinet’s decision to extend the alert levels put in place during the week for a further 12 days through to 11:59pm, Wednesday 26 August. A review of this approach will take place on Friday 21 August.

We have subsequently received formal advice from NZWP, Water Polo is suspended at Level 3 in the Auckland region until 26 August and in this period Water Polo activity in the rest of New Zealand will follow the guidelines for activity at Level 2 as outlined in the Sport New Zealand guidelines for activity during COVID Lockdowns.

This obviously means we will not be holding any training until we in the Auckland Region move back down to a Level 2 lockdown status or lower.

The immediate impact this weekend, for some of you, was the Winter Festival tournament for Year 7&8 players, being postponed. NZWP has advised they will be considering possible dates for this event to rescheduled later in the year and will advise all clubs when a suitable date is confirmed.

Regarding  upcoming NZWP events the following are still scheduled to held, they have not been postponed or cancelled. NB: There may however be operational adjustments to adhere to Level 2 requirements if they are held in that environment.

  • 28-30 August Tim Sonderer Memorial Trophy
  • 11-13 September 12 and under Olympic Hopefuls
  • 26-29 September 16 and under National Championships, Division 1 & 2 (girls and boys)
  • 3-6 October 18 and under National Championships (boys and girls)

More information

For additional information please refer to the NZWP Covid-19 information page. This page has a range of resources and information

Also the Marist website Home page has an overview posted on training safely in Level 2 – per the fist link below. Full details of the Marist Water Polo COVID19 – Level 2 H & S Plan is on Club Hub, which the second url below links to.



NZWP will continue to provide us with updates to changes to Alert levels and the impact on water polo in New Zealand.  As soon as these become available, we will share them with you.

While the announcement maybe something that many of us expected, it is still important that we continue to take time to ensure we all understand what that means for ourselves, friends and whanau. We would like to again remind everyone there is a range of resources available on the internet or via various helplines.

We’ll be back in touch after the announcement on the 21st, and until then, please take care of yourself and those around you, stay safe, stay strong and be kind.


Mauri ora!