Vale Nancy Ware
It is with great shock that we learnt this morning about the sudden passing of one of the most generous and kind-hearted women, who worked so tirelessly without any self-interest but only for the enjoyment of others. Mainly the many many kids in promoting Flippa Ball in a totally voluntary manner, firstly at Riverhead in Auckland’s northwest, then at Kelston Girls and West Wave where she helped establish it before handing it on to Waitakere City WPC to run.
Such was the enjoyment she got from it that her and husband Brian started up a new Flippa Ball League, again totally unpaid at Epsom Girls pool which grew to enormous numbers to be the largest in the country with more than 50 teams before NZWP merged it with a Dio pool to run a Central league in the 2000s.
All of this was voluntary, but it was motivated by the enjoyment gained by seeing so many happy kids who grew to know Nancy and Brian as kind of pseudo grandparents, although in Brian’s case he also passed as Santa Clause or ‘bushy’.
They continued running this on an unpaid basis for Marist club until about 2010 after which New Zealand Water Polo took over the running of that league.
Many of a young player has come out of these leagues and gone on to represent NZ that owe their beginnings to Nancy Ware inspiring them and planting the seed.
Nancy was a selfless humble servant of the sport never hugging the limelight but generously giving of herself for others to experience.
There are sadly few of those servants around these days, but I have the most amazing respect for this woman who has given so much in her humble way to our sport often largely unrecognized but never forgotten.
Her funeral will be held in the next few days but her passing will be noted by the many who knew her as a true humble volunteer.
I will personally never forget her Christmas baking when I always received Nancy’s Xmas cake and treats which I hope the angels might get this year as I am sure she will be already getting it ready for them to taste.
Your legacy continues in the delightful faces of those many kids. We will ensure that Brian and Johno and family are looked after for you.
Rest peacefully Nancy.
Chris Hayward and your Marist Whanau.