Flippa Ball is a fun precursor to water polo and helps children learn basic skills while building confidence in the pool.

Flippa Ball is played in a shallow pool (1m deep) by Primary school aged children from year 3 up to year 6. Marist Flippa Ball League runs throughout terms 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Sunday afternoons at the Sacred Heart Aquatic Centre

Want to give Flippa Ball a go?
Check with your school sports coordinator to see if there is a team you could join…  or get a group of friends together to start a new team. f you’re going it alone register your interest with our Flippa Ball League Co-ordinator to see if you can join another team.

Contact our Flippa Ball League Co-ordinator on flippaball@mariswaterpolo.co.nz

Want to join our Flippa Ball training?

Marist run Flippa Ball training sessions on Sunday mornings at the Sacred Heart Aquatic Centre.  For further information, contact our U12 Age Grade Coordinator on under12s@maristwaterpolo.co.nz

Ready for water polo?
Marist Water Polo offers an under 12 program which runs on Sunday mornings throughout terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. These are weekly training sessions working towards four major tournaments per year, for more details visit the Under 12 Program page.

All children aged under 12 as at 01 January are eligible to enter so players generally range in age from 9 years old to 12 years old (11 years on 01 Jan). For tournaments, players are allocated into teams according to their skill level (A, B or C grade). During term 4, Marist Water Polo hold a series of introduction sessions for new players, register your interest below.

Want to join the club?

Register now